Okay, kids, let’s talk ’bout that Krakow, aka Cracow, which is wierd if you know that ‘C’s in Polish are pronounced like ‘ts’ in English. So this city has two vastly different names. Cracow is prefered by graffiti artists, which caused me to think for a sec that it was an alternate, Anglicized spelling used …
Month: December 2007
Photoblogging: Ruru
A saluki friend in New Zealand, Graham Bond, often sends us bird of prey photos. Most recently, he captured these images of “Rurus” (Ninox novaeseelandiae, also known as “Morepork”), agile little insect- eating owls, catching moths in his porch lights. He writes: “These are a couple of poor quality photos that I managed to get …
Photoblogging: Winter
It is really winter. COLD,and snow coming every few days, though not much is sticking yet at our “low” 6500 feet. We took the hounds out running west of town where we hadn’t been in a long time. The fields hadn’t gotten much rain and were devoid of hare but we had fun anyway.Ataika is …
Photoblogging: Bloggish cards
I was looking idly at the cards pinned up on the door and realized how bloggish they are becoming. This corner has David (Never Yet Melted)Zincavage, Rebecca with hawk & dog; Odious— the Victorian Christmas tree at right; and frequent commentor “Johnny UK”– the yellow Lab. And more have come in since…
Photoblogging: Eagle Nest
Readers who know Edge of the Wild may recall the eagle essay, where I visit the nearest golden eagle eyrie, on “Mount Titty” north of town. Ataika and I went out looking for quail there the other day. No luck, but I got a couple of photos of the old nest, still active. (It is …
A storm last Friday left us with a couple more inches of snow and some sparkling frost-covered trees. This didn’t last too long after the sun hit it. You could see where the cottontails had been out early looking for breakfast. Someone’s been chewing on my little aspen. I didn’t see any deer tracks around …
One More Pic
For the bird people: one of Jacob Sewell’s new pigeons, a black- winged gold Archangel. They are among the most colorful of domestic pigeons, irridescent as can hardly be shown in a photo, and their name probably derives from the French ‘arc- en- ciel’: rainbow.
Pictureblogging 2: Partnerships
Blog- friend Cat Urbigkit is a rancher, sheepherder, and dog breeder who runs stock in southwestern Wyoming and writes wonderful children’s books. She recently told me a tale of the rivalry between a young stock- protection dog and a burro with the same job over who would control the sheep, especially five sheep the young …
Pictureblogging 1: Dogs
Some tazi shots: Vladimir’s enormous five- month old Urtak in Virginia, closely related to ours: And the very different year- old Russian “Semirichenski” male Timur– a bit like our Lashyn– playing with him. Good new genes. Lash and Kyran’s gorgeous daughter Nemrah at Monica’s in the East mountains. I hear someone offered John Burchard an …
Surrender Ye Swords
Last month my friend Buddy completed his master’s degree in art history, presenting a thesis on sword making and the weapon’s eventual supplanting by firearms. As these things happen now, a morning radio announcer from Ireland found Buddy’s thesis online and asked him to comment on the recent banning of samurai swords by the UK. …