A friend recently gave us some antelope tenderloin, shot with a bow in Wyoming last fall. I grilled it last night, along with some venison sausage that my wife added to her catch-all pasta and feta dish. A Meat-lovers Tuesday. Having never grilled this particular critter, I kept it simple: cut to small steaks, let …
Month: April 2008
Many readers seem to have responded to my Amazon Wish List, but only a couple- Lauren’s Colin Simms and Mike’s Joe Brown– have come in yet. Books by mail are notoriously slow, but I shall personally thank each donor as they come in, and review every one. I also have some non- gift reviews coming …
Spring Duck Hunting
Cat Urbigkit provides a splendid sequence of a young Bald eagle taking a shot at a Merganser.
Hare Hawking
Tom McIntyre (his most recent book is here) sent this You Tube of a Saker falcon attempting to catch a hare in Arabia. It is much like we do, except that WE still use salukis to help (ok, Asian tazis) and we don’t chase the hare with the truck! The hare still gets away though– …
Sunday Links
Busy busy busy which is good, but lots of stuff out there as well… The BBC discovers that places with guns are more peaceful and safe than London, though they can’t quite believe it. HT Reid. Relatedly, the Atomic Neds have a pleasant encounter in Los Alamos. I agree- if you have pistols at all …
Pollan Channels Berry
My cousin Marnie, recalling the chat about sustainability we enjoyed over pricey cappuccino at a seaside resort last summer, sent this recent piece by Michael Pollan. Marnie writes: “Either Michael Pollan is channeling you or you are channeling him, and you’re both channeling Wendell Berry.” Pollan’s piece quotes my hero WB in defense of virtue …
Art in Action
Artist, falconer and blogger Carel Brest Van Kempen posts a series of fascinating and beautiful short films of his art in the act of creation. Music (I believe) also composed by Carel.
Hawk Poems
Steve’s post below with hawk-infused poetry brought another poem to mind. It’s by one of my favorites, Georgia native David Bottoms, and it appears in the most recent edition of LSU’s famed literary journal, The Southern Review. Enjoy! Old Man and Neighborhood Hawk Vague silhouette, like an ideaforming, then a shiver on the pine branch …
New material
Regular Q. readers: Just a note to check “below the fold” for some new posts by Steve. I just got around to uploading the pics…
Swan song, etc
Me, ever since I saw my grandpa chop a chicken’s head off (complete with the runnin’ ’round spectacle that followed) one day, and then the next day saw him chop of a rattlesnake’s head (with the follow-up warning that the head was still deadly, for a long time after life itself was gone), I’ve been …