The estimable John Noble Wilford reports on a new DNA study that shows the Phoencians, that sea-faring race of antiquity (no, not residents of Phoenix) have had a lasting genetic imprint on Mediterranean populations. “Scientists reported Thursday that as many as 1 in 17 men living today on the coasts of North Africa and southern …
Month: October 2008
Supernatural Cleaning Methods
The NY Times has a Halloween appropriate piece on how to rid your home of ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. It reminded me of the house we rented in Denver back in the mid-1980s that had a poltergeist. Some nights we could hear him walking up the basement stairs and through the living room. I …
My Extended Family, or, Charlie Rides Again
Falconer Steve Armstrong of Texas has a weak arm. Twist it just a little, and he’ll agree to anything. I’m glad this is true, since in the past year Steve consented to give a home to two hawks I’m quite fond of but couldn’t keep. The two hawks’ stories are related. First came Charlie, a …
Does stress produce stronger offspring in birds? (Scroll down.) A researcher thinks so. HT Walter Hingley. That Japanese blog of bio- art has a spread on sperm whales that is comprehensible even if you have no Japanese. Another gem from Engrish Funny. And what’s with the skull on a spring? Unlike green Almaty, Ulaan Bataar …
Elk Shanks
Yesterday, I thawed a package of elk that Rudy the butcher had marked “stew and bones”, figuring on meat for Rio and bones for the dogs. To my surprise it disclosed six perfect round elk shanks with marrowbones in the center, rather like the veal shanks used in osso bucco. I looked at various shank …
Hunting with Rio
From a bird who “snarled” at all dogs (you have to hear a Harris to believe the noise they make), Rio has progressed to a hunting partnership with Ataika. He is sitting on top of the cholla cactus above the bank beside Taik– apologies for photo quality. He usually rides on a T- perch walking …
The last of Cat’s Mongolia
The two-day eagle festival outside Sagsai was a thrilling event, with 82 hunters on horseback with their birds, flying to the fist and to the lure. There were other events, including a camel race, a horse race, goat tug, and other fun events, but the eagles were what had brought us all to that valley. …
Cat’s Mongolia, Part III
On day two of the cross-country horse trip, we awoke to the sounds of geese along the lake, with the goat herd bedded down in front of the ger. Such beauty. As soon as breakfast was over, we were on horseback, headed over the mountains. We had another fantastic day of riding, with the three …
Thanks– but to whom?
Some friend has just sent two books from my wish list– thanks! But the name and most of the address did not print– all I can see is Casa Grande Arizona and a zip. I’m grateful anyway!
Superior Scribblers
The Atomic Nerds have given us a Superior Scribbler award. We are touched and honored. LabRat said of us, in part: “A fascinating variety of experience, and if they have a common thread it’s rampant individualism and a curiosity in and respect for nature and those who live with it, as opposed to those who …