I have another quick post here based on our visit to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. This little exhibit as you can see, has a wonderful Bison antiquus skull and the tan block of excavated matrix in the case, shown in the shot below. This block of matrix was excavated by Jesse Figgins …
Month: March 2009
Going and Gone
Over the weekend Connie and I took a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the first visit we have made there since moving back. This museum holds a special place in my heart: it is the first place I ever saw dinosaur and large fossil mammal mounts when we visited on a …
Spring transition
We’ve had three snowstorms hit in the last week here in Wyoming, shutting down thousands of miles of roads. These spring storms mean that we have slick, snow-covered roads with no visibility one minute, and within a few hours, the roads will be dry again. Yesterday, we had to haul hay from a farm in …
Neighborhood Secession
“…Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize and make their own so much of the territory as they inhabit.” -Abraham Lincoln A recent 2Blowhards post wondering whether secession will become one of this year’s political themes got me thinking: How hard could it be? As usual, the comments on that post were many, …
Pups grow…
The first one is of Lashyn when she squirmed into a too small crate with them and almost squashed them. The neurotic old girl had NEVER gone voluntarily into a crate. We got them out by unscrewing one side but she stayed in long enough to snap a photo The rest are self explanatory– at …
AR, PC, and all that
(They’re always out there). From Dr. Gale Goodman: PETA killed 95% of the animals they received last year. And they dare compare chicken farms to Auswitzch? David Zincavage reports on Thought Crime in Central Connecticut (which may be in a race with California and Maryland to be the most PC state): “On October 3, 2008, …
A (Hilarious ) Rant…
Annie Hocker sent me this rant from a park ranger. Couldn’t make the link work (bug in my Mac I think) but it is so funny I’ll print it all. Annie, maybe you could put the link in “Comments”? “To all “Happy Campers”Date: 2006-09-05, 12:00PM MDT Folks, yesterday ended the regular summer season. I am …
Raptor News, Good and Bad
Spain is worried about its vultures and wants to help them by allowing carcasses to be left out for them. Good for them. I’ll buy it all but “killing cows”– Golden eagles will kill calves, but Griffon vultures on cows?? HT Reid. Meanwhile, a few American Indians continue to slaughter Eagles for feathers and profit, …
A Few Quotes
From John Updike in 1992 describing writing book reviews: “Knitting and purling at these reviews seems to be harder work for me than it used to be; we feel like field mice painstakingly weaving our little nests while the shadows of the hawks swirl all around us.” HT Richard Francis. “If guns cause crime, then …
Back However Briefly!
Very busy with puppies and projects (and the flu) but the world keeps coming up with new stuff to annoy or enlighten. I’d rather take a break but eventually the pressure builds… Enlightenment and fun before the bad stuff! Darren Naish has been doing so many good posts I can hardly keep up. Here , …