
I traveled to Jackson again yesterday, and had the pleasure of encountering these juvenile trumpeter swans. The trumpeter swan is North America’s largest flying bird. Although not listed as an endangered species, trumpeter swan populations were decimated in the past and have made a long, slow return to healthier numbers, with western Wyoming’s Green River …

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Testing elk for brucellosis

Today I accompanied the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to photograph the process of testing elk for brucellosis. The testing program, in its fifth and final year, takes place at three elk feedgrounds on the western flank of the Wind River Mountains. I’ve covered the testing program every year for various media.The photo above shows …

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Look at what Jim brought home

Yesterday, Pete called and said he’d heard there was a young bearded collie at the animal control pound in Pinedale, but he wasn’t going to be anywhere near the western Wyoming town. Jim was just outside of Pinedale, so he stopped in, and low and behold, look what came home with him last night. We’ll …

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Oh the things we see

Last weekend we took the three pups out to our friend’s Midland Ranch, so they could finish the bonding process and head out to guard their first sheep herd on the range. Here’s a few images from the ranch. Doesn’t the chair look inviting?This is a Belgian mare and colt. The colt is dragging a …

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The Beast of Baton Rouge

It’s difficult to describe the pride I feel to share this picture with you all. My girls ran to me recently as I parked the car after work: “There’s a dead animal in the ditch. Come see! It’s SO COOL!” Here’s B with with her prize find. Can anyone identify the dead beast? This looks …

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Sheri and I did the trip to Jackson

Sheri and I did the trip to Jackson for her weekly chemotherapy on Friday, and on the way home, encountered this very visible herd of bighorn sheep again. The weather has been mild, with little snow cover and the sheep seem to be enjoying it.

Kyrgyz horses

Jim and I are intrigued by Central Asia, and curious what we can learn as livestock producers from producers in other regions of the world, especially people who run sheep in wolf country. Recently we were doing research on Kyrgyzstan and saw an interesting reference to the small and stout horses they use in that …

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Border guards

We arrived back at the sheep pasture this afternoon to find a quiet standoff in progress. Two young bull moose were in the pasture, but the three burros were lined up in a row, forming a border between the sheep herd and the moose. What I love about this photo are the magpies on the …

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