Tom Russell would be too modest to say so but he might just be the best and most lasting singer- songwriter of my generation; while some annoyingly typecast him as a western or cowboy or border balladeer he is in all ways an American bard, a living link between cowboys and the beats and all manner of chroniclers and historians and poets of the “Old Weird America.”
He blew through town last week with his wife and Swiss father- in- law for a flying visit, posole and green chile, and intense conversation. We had fun (and I think “Poppi” was relieved that we ate cheese and drank wine in addition to chile, vodka, and maybe frozen quail). I’ll refer you to Tom’s vivid and flattering account at his indispensable blog. More to come I’m sure!
Rebecca O’Connor (buy her book!) came through too, with falcons and Brittany, to do some research and decide what rifle the heroine of her novel- in progress should carry through a post- apocalyptic but “re- wilded” landscape of the future. She had never shot so much as a .22 before, but with enthusiasm and only a hint of trepidation tried a Winchester .30- 30, a Mauser 7 X 57, and an SKS. Any guesses as to which she chose? She will be writing about it and sending photos– again, more to come.