Commonplace Book

“Everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, some afternoon that’s so deeply a part of your being that you can’t even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. Perhaps not …

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A Historic Gun?

A Savage Model 99, for its forward- looking elegance and efficiency perhaps my all time favorite American rifle design (and Roy Chapman Andrews, the model for Indiana Jones, took one to the Gobi when he discovered the Flaming Cliffs fossil beds and the first Dino eggs!) This one is a take- down model in the …

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Q o’ D: Barbarians

We sit by and watch the Barbarian, we tolerate him; in the long stretches of peace we are not afraid. We are tickled by his irreverence, his comic inversion of our old certitudes and our fixed creeds refreshes us; we laugh. But as we laugh we are watched by large and awful faces from beyond: …

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At the Peters

For Santa Feans and other northern New Mexicans: the always stimulating Gerald Peters gallery is featuring new sculpture by two of my friends, Steve Kestrel and Tony Angell, in a show called “Romantic Contours, Modern Terrain”. I only wish I had time to get up there! Steve sent me photos of these two pieces, carved …

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Qualzucht 2

I have recently been involved in some discussions about why people breed distorted animals for “fun”(ie, shows). Please understand: I emphatically do not want governmental restrictions on breeders. But I do want (a) a bit of common sense and (b) some comprehension of why people do it. Here is what my feeble mind has come …

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Andrew’s pups

Andrew came through on his way back to NY from his truncated training session in Arizona– the Wallow fire burned all the White Mountains training terrain! Here he is with new pointer Jake and Vizsla Jozsi (I am sure he will correct my spelling).


Momo is learning to jump to the T- perch- actually these are over a week old and he is flying not just hopping…

Update and Apologies

Sorry all– slow typing plus two books to finish plus a mag deadline plus training a hawk plus a dog with iffy health- Lashyn has developed diabetes, finally coming under control– do not make for plentiful posting. Too much chaos, for good as well as ill, but chaos nonetheless. The dogs are nervous– even Perfect …

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Another Letter

Stuff keeps falling out as I reread old books. Angus Cameron, author of the LL Bean Game & Fish Cookbook and Jack O’Connor’s editor at (ahem) Knopf, sent me a copy of this exchange over The New Yorker review of O’Connor’s… The Rifle Book! Click to enlarge:Jack also got an obit in the NYT. It …

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Puppy Learning

Daniel’s Bailey getting lessons in manners from his mentor: Perhaps Mr Schwartz (post below) might see such practices– hunting! TRAINING!!– as animal abuse. On the contrary, I think that being able to witness scenes like this is a rare privilege.