Tavi tazi entranced by the snow; Vladimir’s Onana, who looks uncannily like Ataika; Taik.
Month: December 2011
“But it doesn’t snow in the southwest!”
Actually said to me a few years ago by a New Jersey Nuevo, in July. As the property he bought was on a dirt road at 7500 feet in Catron county, where the winters can be positively Montanan, I knew he was in for a surprise… The illusion remains. I was idly watching morning TV …
A Little Music…
It has been a week blessed with good music from friends local and visiting… Joel Becktell is local, a neighbor and a world- renowned cellist, probably Magdalena’s most famous resident in a sort of obscure way (he is known among musicians but not by Magdalenians). He is also a cook and as much of a …
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you from all of us at Querencia blog. We are having a white Christmas here at Moonshine Gulch and from what I have seen of the weather reports, Steve and Libby are too down in Magdalena.
Hot Links
If I was going to be in New York, I’d go to this exhibit of material from the Roman city of Dura-Europos. I have previously read a fair amount about information that excavations at Dura-Europos have provided on the Roman Army in the later empire. One of the most interesting finds there apparently gives evidence …
Gobekli Tepe
I wish that I had posted on the very important archaeological site of Gobekli Tepe last summer when the article about it came out in National Geographic Magazine. It got yanked back to my attention when I read this extremely annoying article about it in the latest New Yorker. Gobekli Tepe is a site in …
Magdalena Lion Hunt
My friend and “cousin”, local rancher, reader, and hunter Sissy (Mary Helen Gianera Pound) Olney, ran into us in the Capitol Bar in Socorro yesterday and told us to look up this YouTube of her husband Tom and nephew Royce hunting mountain lions in the Magdalenas on horseback with hounds, the traditional way. The video, …
Two of the strangest showcases of human society I know are the zoo, any zoo (I have written more than a bit on this) and the Post Office. I could go in a lot of directions with the PO (many of you know that Lib works in a rural PO) but I only want to …
December in the sheep pasture
The Wind River Mountains are magnificent in their snow-covered spendor, but the sagebrush rangelands still contain only a scattering of snow. The image below is our New Fork River pasture where the sheep are currently located, taken at sunrise earlier this week. It was about -8 degrees that morning, which is a typical overnight low …
Silly dog pic
Chipotle (“Chip”), the PO Lab, waiting for a cookie from one of his customers (photo by Yvonne Magener, through her PO box…):