I just saw this article that gives some jokes and riddles found written in Akkadian on 3,500 year-old cunieform tablets. I felt obligated to post this, but they’re awfully lame. Makes you wonder what stand-up comedy was like in ancient Mesopotamia. You know you live in a rural state when your largest newspaper has an …
Month: January 2012
Sure Sign Deer Season is Over
When fellows like these feel safe enough to walk around in broad daylight in my neighbor’s yard. I took these pictures out of our bedroom window this morning.
3- Wheel Morgan
I always thought the Morgan sports car was the most elegant ever made, comparable to a London best hammer pigeon gun in esthetics. (My other favorites are the ’57 Chevy and the Citroen Traction Avant– but remember, I also love Winchester Model 12 pumps and Darnes). So how could I not be delighted when I …
Battle Rugs & Endless Connections
I have posted a pic of my Soviet- war era Afghan battle rug before. It is a prized possession, drenched in haunted history and metaphorical blood. I got it from fellow fly fisher and double gun nut (and fine artist and rug fancier) Michael Simon, then of Livingston Montana. Daniela, who, like many of us …
Where I come from…
My sister Karen just sent this irresistible map of Massachusetts (as always click to embiggen): I wrote back: “…outside of Boston proper I have lived in Pilgrims, Republicans, and on the border of Hippies & Trees. Hmmm…” Of course, I was born in “Murders & Stuff”, and the Bodios’ New World roots, so to speak, …
I become a YouTube Star!?
Well, of the UNM Clinical Neuroscience Center video anyway. Or maybe Taik or the slightly recalcitrant Chicken are… We are on in the beginning and I after seven minutes but, especially if you live in NM, you should watch the whole thing. Anyway a rare possibility to see some familiar faces & places in motion. …
Tazi Stamp & Desert Windhounds Reboot
Jess of Desert Windhounds, the forthright defender of genetic diversity and our right to breed the dogs that please us, is back, under the equally forthright title of Bitter CynoAnarchist* here, still fighting the good fight (I may steal one of her images to pontificate on later). She also had some nice pics of tazis …
(Early) Quote of the day
“I like reading; I am especially fond of reading old books in poor condition by odd people.” (English gun writer Diggory Hadoke, courtesy of reader Tom Condon)
SAA Symposium
The Society for American Archaeology has released its preliminary program for the annual meeting to be held in Memphis in April. You can look at a copy here if you are interested. While reviewing it a few days ago, I saw this symposium that I thought would be of interest to the dog enthusiasts who …
Observed on a crewmember’s vehicle last summer