Ray Bradbury- who despite his virtues was NOT a typical science fiction writer as one young girl memorably sang, though arguably great. (Google “F me Ray Bradbury YouTube”) Chad Love muses on this and after a suggestion I made last year prints one of the all time best opening lines: Thesis: as Tom Russell is …
Month: October 2012
The Pups- Pix o’ the Week
Riss and Tavi, Nhubia and Taalai…
Radio Interview
My Living on Earth interview on the Eagle book is both scheduled (for next week) and available online. It was an unexpected pleasure to work with professionals who ask intelligent questions!
Indiana Jones is Denied Tenure
I have seen this several times over the years, as archaeologists like to chuckle over it. I ran across it again recently here and thought I’d put it up for the enjoyment of any who hadn’t seen it. January 22, 1939 Assistant Professor Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. Department of Anthropology Chapman Hall 227B Marshall College …
Musical Memories
I found this wonderful “paleolithic” video to one of my favorite Leonard Cohen songs. Though I doubt it was what he had in mind, it works for me… The ‘Net never ceases to amaze me. Looking at this, I said to Libby “First time I saw him was his first US gig, I think. The …
Rifle quiz
Pure fun for scholars of guns and readers of travel and adventure tales: how many things can you find in common on these little carbines? Oh, I will add one invisible addition for the bolt: The first question is for tecchies; the second for readers and travelers: how many books and writers and scientists and… …
Why I stay in the Explorers Club. Hilarious true gun YouTube (HT Massad Ayoob): Ugliest taxidermy I have ever seen. A laika hunting in the US, looking like a Gorbatov painting. (Thanks to Alex Schubert): Vladimir Beregovoy’s new pup Pavlik confronts a scary dinosaur (see Siberian Hunter on my Amazon page)
Credit Due
Early last July, Stacia Novy, a young military career woman, biologist, and falconer, e-mailed me an excited message that she had just been instrumental in finding the nest of a very little known Neotropical raptor, the Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus solitarius), in Belize. She attached this picture. Unfortunately, since then, most published accounts have omitted her …
Fabre and Japan
This is not an analysis of the real importance, ignored these days except in Japan, of the pioneering ethologist of insects, the 19th century Provencal autodidact Jean Henri Fabre, who started life as a peasant kid herding sheep in the harsh hills of his home country, and later single- handedly invented the study of insect …
Seton on the partnership
I thought I might have read about the legendary partnership of badger and coyote, and went looking for it in my set of Ernest Thompson Seton’s wonderful seven volume illustrated work Lives of Game Animals, which he compiled in 1929 toward the end of his life. This work, by the way, is a lost classic, …