We’ve just returned from a week in Cincinnati where we spent Thanksgiving with two of Connie’s siblings and their families. Our kids flew out from California for the holiday, too. We had a good visit and got to do some interesting things that I’ll post about. I took this picture of the Cincinnati skyline and …
Month: November 2012
I saw these two characters hanging out in a cottonwood near the South Platte while driving into work this morning. I wish I’d had my bigger telephoto lens with me.
Roy’s Rules
Roy Chapman Andrews’ Rules for his 1920 Mongolian expedition, according to Alan Nichols of the Explorer’s Club: – No cussing the weather. – No grouching against the gasoline in the water. – No profanity (except the picturesque variety). – All male members must take share in pumping tires and other work not requiring hot air. …
Quote: Bring Up the Bodies
Hilary Mantel’s trilogy on Henry VIII and his court, as seen through the eyes of courtier Thomas Cromwell, is one of the most harrowing fictional works I have ever read– brilliant and acute, never pleasant. Am I the only reader who sees a similarity between Henry’s court and that of the Red Czar? As with …
Thanksgiving late- night early selections
Friends, family, guns, shooters new and old, art, food, conversation… and lots of wine. Best shot of the day other than Piet, always a serious master & coach, was cellist Joel Becktell, our only first timer–!
Model 21
We used to have a Thanksgiving bird hunt every year when I lived in Massachusetts. My father was the one who started this tradition, though he sadly abandoned it under the self- inflicted burden of his work and company. I think this duck hunting image was from one of these hunts. Notice the Model 21 …
“Esta sim e espingarda!”
Or “THIS is a gun!”, as Datus Proper’s Lisbon gunsmith said to him when he first saw his Woodward. William Richards of Liverpool 12 bore Best boxlock ejector, 28″, 6 lbs 14 oz (feels like about 6– barrels only 2 lbs 14), recent proof, Boss patent (I think) easy opener, all bells & whistles… We …
Dog Pic of the Week: Perfect Tav
Mr Tavi is no longer a pup; this photo by Shiri makes him look like my Platonic ideal of a tazi.
Book Signing!
Dutch Salmon and I will be signing at an afternoon- long event in Deming, on Saturday 15 December, at the bookstore of “dog- in- laws” Dan and Margaret. Be there!
A Few Images– Fun And Teasers
Busy busy busy– winterizing, trying to get in shape, jump start big projects… so some amusements. A properly muscled saluki by Cellini, middle 1500’s, courtesy of Sir Terence Clark. Many Asia list members have noted that he is so fit that show judges today would fault him for his muscle definition… The Capital C Creation …