Christina’s Blog

Another post I have been kicking down the road: my friend Christina Nealson’s blog. I kept trying to think of original ways to describe her vivid writing and books, her nomadic life, her heterodox feminism and her support of the Second Amendment… Finally I thought: why not just let her describe her visit? Come back …

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Tom Russell’s song from “Blood and Candle Smoke”, sung by Gretchen Peters, and Guadalupe herself, painted by Tom. You can see his paintings, including I believe the original of this print, at Rainbow Man gallery in Santa Fe. He began last week’s show with this haunting song. We do have an oddly eclectic “collection”– she …

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Blast from the past

Picture of Lib and dog Ruch in the Escalante in ’73, when she used to walk to Everest Base Camp…

Wilson Photos

Relative newcomers John and Carolyn Wilson are becoming serious documenters of the phenology of local wildlife and photographers of same (with real lenses). They supply constant water on their forest- edge holding 12 miles from town, which has already paid off in photos of bandtail pigeon and goshawk. Now John has gotten a good portrait …

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“… as soon as I went in the door I immediately recalled how great an experience a good bookstore was, to which the browsing we do on computers is as phone sex compared to sex.”– Michael Gruber

Passenger Pigeons # 2

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } I ended last with: So, where were the pigeons? They were always inhabitants of the deciduous forest, eating nuts and berries. It seems impossible for the pigeon to have existed in anything like the numbers it eventually attained. And a passenger pigeon without its niche and numbers is nothing more …

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Two of our beloved tazluki relatives got snakebit by what seems, judging from the fang marks to have been a large rattler, at Daniela’s. Incredibly, 15 year old Lahav got  the better of it, while grandog Shunkar seemed to have some eye involvment. Both better now– will pass on any news. I don’t hate snakes …

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