More Trilobites

Another museum stop in San Francisco was at The California Academy of Sciences, also located in Golden Gate Park. While there, I saw these wonderful trilobite fossils. You might recall a post I did early in the month, that linked to a New York Times article on trilobites that had a rather amazing picture of a …

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Gottardo Piazzoni and a Friend

Earlier in the month, Connie and I took a trip to the Bay Area. Connie was taking a training course in San Francisco on Thursday and Friday of that week, and while she was in school, I played hookey and hit a couple of museums. On the weekend, we drove up to Sonoma County and …

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Big Tom

Connie and I were visiting a local land reserve a few days ago and saw this guy struttin’ for the ladies.

A Very Old Site In Brazil

Last week the New York Times had this article about a rock shelter in Brazil that had yielded a date of 22,000 BP for its earliest human occupation. The article goes on about its implications for dating the peopling of the New World, which if you have been reading some of our posts here, you’ll …

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Weekend Doggage

Shiri just took these photos of the ever- amazing Larissa. Can’t believe how she has blossomed since she got out from under the domination of her slightly tyrannical mother Ataika. It also shows the skills and stamina our dogs must display to hunt successfully in this harsh country. Go Riss! And I am starting to …

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It was “Isaak Dinesen’s” as well as one that was quoted a bit in many venues in the 70’s. Can’t fault it: Navigare necesse est;  vivere non est necesse… From Plutarch , if a borrowing; even then;  also recently attributed to everyone up to William Burroughs, who did not say it first– though he used …

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TH White and Falconry

Courtesy of Jon D’Arpino and the Journal of the North American Falconers Association, with special thanks to Conor Jameson, The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas in Austin, Helen Macdonald for taking me there and of course Stacia Novy, who got me to write it.

Cock Fighting, Naturally

It’s that time of year again: Greater Sage Grouse are gathering on their leks (breeding grounds), with plenty of strutting and displaying by the males in attempt to impress the females. I’ve spent the last three mornings on a lek near our home in western Wyoming, and today was the only day I’ve managed to …

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