What is happening in this photo? And what species, and where? Update:
Month: May 2014
Early Monsoon?
Magdalena mountains last weekend, by Elizabeth Campbell. This is less than ten miles from us, mountains thrusting up to nearly 11,000 feet from a plain over 6000, between us and Socorro 2500 feet below on the Rio Grande. Topping out– telescope on the ridge ahead. Going down toward Water Canyon, a hummingbird appears. Peregrines nest …
Random Doggage
Micaela’s Firat and friend in Finland
Old Photo
From Tim Gallagher. Caption from Lane Batot: “Upon opening an insurance office in Kyrghistan, agent Smith visited a local village in hopes of raising payment rates in regard to the residents keeping exotic and dangerous animals on the premises. Agent Smith has not been heard from since….”
Blog break
I have put up so many posts because I need to break from blogging to get a real start on my next book, the much- postponed Silk Road dogs travel- science- and- more volume that is closest to my heart, and because I cannot spend so much time distracted (or at the uncomfortable desk– I …
My summer as a bee wrangler
I was corresponding with Jessica, who sends me great books on birds from Princeton Press (THE best ornithological publisher), when we strayed into bees. (She sent me this excellent book on North American bumblebees). It later occurred to me that my note to her might interest readers of the blog. I spent a summer not …
Lucas’ Links
My friend whose cyber name is “Lucas Machias” sends more links than anyone I know, and I can’t keep up with him. His favorite subjects include but are not limited to wildlife art, paleontology, evolution, and sporting lit. I have decided to occasionally give him a post of links of his own; there is no …
Book Review #2
I have been promising a review of Paula Young Lee’s Deer Hunting in Paris for what seems like forever, and I apologize for taking so long. Part of it was thinking my way through to what I thought exactly or critically. I loved it and found it intensely quotable; on the other hand I found …
Another Poet
Tim Murphy is not just one of our finest living poets, and the only one I know who celebrates what I have called “our Siberia”, the chilly plains of North Dakota. He is a living rebuke to stereotypes: a farmer, a businessman, a Yale graduate who studied under Robert Penn Warren; a classicist who writes …
Cowboy Poem
From Paul Zarzyski’s Steering with my Knees, a real poem by a real poet who is also a real cowboy. And once more demonstrating that everything is attached to everything else, it is about John Moore’s sister! ( I might add that Paul has drunk a few beers at the Golden Spur, but sometimes I …