
Rio seems to be looking over Libby’s shoulder as she reviews my work on the Mac.

“…all Dinosaurs had feathers”

The report (HT John Wilson) begins: “The first ever example of a plant-eating dinosaur with feathers and scales has been discovered in Russia. Previously only flesh-eating dinosaurs were known to have had feathers so this new find indicates that all dinosaurs could have been feathered.” The big thing here is the “all” I have been …

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“Art is long and critics are the insects of a day.” – Randall Jarrell


“What passes for optimism is most often the effect of an intellectual error.”– Raymond Aron


Bear with me for a little more photoblogging, as I am getting some work done. Here are two NM nests that fledged young this year, a Goshawk and a Peregrine, courtesy of Paul Domski.

Just for fun

From Jim at Frontier Partisan. What on earth do you think the Villistas were doing with that punt gun?