
“I’m just about to junk the whole left/ right taxonomy as useless and indeed an active impediment to thought and action. Why should we be dominated by a political labeling system based on where people sat in the Constituent Assembly in Versailles in 1789…?” – Alexander Cockburn

Another Image: Crook

I dug this up recently for a gun scholar and to refresh my memory. General Crook, famed in the Indian wars in the southwest, and a fair man, was also an amateur but serious ornithologist, and poses here with a “lifter” Parker, so combining at LEAST three blog themes.

Heirloom Photos?

Two “family” photos that hang on our walls are a little better than snapshots. Our friend Jay Dusard took this of me a LONG time ago at Libby’s house in Montana. This, even longer ago, was an outtake for this. That is Libby over near the right with the short black hair and the blonde …

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Worst Design Idea EVER

From California Home and Design, proving once and for all that everything you suspected about California is true… To quote them, “Enter the second-floor 1908 library… Designing for a modern family, DeSousa was challenged to fill the shelves with real books when today most are read with an iPad. With the help of Bookbythefoot.com, a …

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Thinking Outside the Box

Yes, a bit of a cliche, but this talk isn’t. Harry Greene is not just the author of THE book on snakes, and a wonderful naturalist’s autobiography; he also writes (as I have) for the Center for Humans and Nature, a thoroughly original “think tank”. (Mine was on “Nonhuman Partners in the  Hunt”; and Malcolm …

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Back in the Saddle #1: “The Lit’ry Life”

Which was the title of George V Higgins’ weekly survey of writing in the Boston Globe back in the seventies, which formed my template for my Review at Gray’s, which in some way led to my appearances here… If I don’t blog a bit I get worried that I will never catch up to the …

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Where am I?

I’m working on my long- contemplated dog and Central Asia book, and trying not to be tempted by the seductions of the Net. I wouldn’t have much original to say anyway, only links, because I am trying to “save” thoughts for the book. I’ll probably be back sooner than later but I need to honor …

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