8 thoughts on “Raptor vs Rex”

  1. Okay, finally read the Mark Whitten comments on "Jurassic World". I think he needs to go see his doctor(proctologist, specifically), because it seems he's got a corn cob up his arse! Now I love science(to a degree–it is NOT a religion with me, though). I love to see critters accurately portrayed on film–but have come to understand, over the decades, that that is a rare thing, because of both ignorance and "ratings". I even had some personal experience TRYING to get hunting dogs on an episode of a TV series portrayed accurately, failing because of a combination of my low position in the production's hierarchy, and my opponents were much better bullshitters than I was(I WASN'T, which was the problem….) That's just Hollywood. So you gotta try and appreciate what LITTLE DOES get portrayed. Strict accuracy does not translate(usually) into sequels. Alas. But really, with "Jurassic World", are we dealing with something on the same level as "King Lear", or "Hamlet", or even a "Midsummer's Night Dream"? It's apples and oranges, folks. Heck, it's apples and baseballs! One's to eat, the other's to PLAY with! It's a frikkin' Dinosaur-eating-people movie, for Christ's sake! What kind of SERIOUS expectations does some cynical fool take with them to a movie like that? Geez! I still say(my own critique here)–BEST DANG DINOSAURS EVER(so far)! And who hasn't worked at some public venue and not fantasized such mayhem, especially on days when the particular moon phase has everyone visiting acting like, well, like damn anal MOVIE CRITICS! So what if they call them "raptors"–I still use the inaccurate terms "buffalo", "panther", and "Indians" for indigenous American inhabitants, although I know full well they are technically "incorrect"–labels stick, people get used to them, that's how things go. Get over it! Gosh, just go and enjoy a simple critters on the rampage guilty pleasure, and quit tryin' to be soooooooo scientific!….L.B.

  2. ….oh, and, uh–great comic strip Moro Rogers! Sorry about that "Jurassic World" harangue–I was compelled to respond to that feller's cynical comments. Hopefully your strip will become insanely popular, various kid's toys will be made of the characters(after the animated movie comes out, which hopefully Mark Whitten won't go to see…), and some of those kids will then grow up to make "Jurassic Park 13–Jurassic Universe", with, at last– feathered dinos!…..L.B.

  3. Thanks LB! Yeah…When I was a tiny child, I would get really mad about inaccurate portrayals of dinosaurs, and animals in general. I look forward to inspiring the same anger in a new generation of kids.


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