
There are no bird dogs prettier than Elhew poinIters, and no pointers prettier than Daniel Riviera’s. Young Maggie just oozes style, at home and in the field , Aad his slightly older male Ferd, masked against the ubiquitous and deadly foxheads that almost killed him last year {“California, land of killer grass”) And Daniel’s new …

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Ranch kids

John L Moore’s grandaughter learns to castrate from her mother…


“…Many of the stories, particularly those set in Simla, shared the high spirits of Departmental Ditties. Simla was Rud’s Illyria, a place where everyone fell in love, usually inappropriately; where identities were mistaken; where tricks were played on the self-regarding and the unwary; and where there were occasional glimpses of a darker undertow. A number …

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Anthony Bourdain, RIP

Tony Bourdain finally lost the battle with depression. I thought he had beat it. Does anyone? Anne Hocker decided to remember him through this CNN piece on Montana. It is pure Bourdain, right down to the politics–perfect: You may be the most cynical, born and bred, citified lefty like me — instinctively skeptical of big …

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