Tiger Country is available from the publisher, in various formats… and from Amazon here.
Some good people have said nice things about it. Malcolm Brooks, the hyper- literate author of Painted Horses, says: “Steve Bodio brings his legendary Renaissance vision to this startling first novel, a work so mammoth in scope and elegant in execution it makes me wish he’d been writing fiction all along. Recalling the edgy best of Ed Abbey and Jim Harrison, and reminiscent of James Carlos Blake’s contemporary border noir, Tiger Country throws modern heroic renegades into the gravitational pull of the ancient past, to encounter the origins of the human condition. Though it makes admirable use of the techniques of the modern thriller, this book nonetheless has its roots in the classical literary tradition, populated by fascinating, unpredictable characters asking dangerous questions about the world we inhabit. Gripping, and utterly one-of-a-kind.”
John Barsness, native Montanan and poet turned firearms maven and proprietor of The Rifle Looney News, says: “Steve Bodio chose New Mexico as the surrounding essence of his life decades ago–or perhaps New Mexico chose him. Tiger Country is a well-told tale of the many human conflicts of the New West, both philosophical and physical, by one of the best “nature” writers of his generation, because he knows humans are part of the natural world, whether for good or evil.
Cat Urbigkit, public- land pastoralist and expert on the brave dogs who sometimes give up their lives for their herds, whose next book is on (NOT against!)the grizzly in the greater Yellowstone region, says: “No one better articulates the natural history of the desert southwest’s wildlands than Steve Bodio. His first novel incorporates vivid and raw human and animal characters, while skillfully blending mixes of culture, blood sport, and landscape.”
Tom McIntyre is either the most literate of hunting writers or the most serious hunter among literary writers. He went to Reed College and since then has mostly hunted and written hundreds of articles and more books than I can easily count, including my favorite, the Asian fantasy The Snow Leopard’s Tale and, most recently, Augusts in Africa. He lives in Sheridan Wyoming, whence he writes: “Tiger country” by definition is where you tread with care, a land of risk and danger. A labor of many years, much sharp observation, depths of creative imagination, and a life of his own lived on the outermost rim of the most extreme Southwestern geography, Stephen Bodio’s Tiger Country presents a fell vision of rewilding, brought forth in writing that is nothing less than rewilded itself. You can only feel alert as you venture through it.”
Sy Montgomery, the only committed vegetarian I know who has trained a hawk to hunt, has also walked across Mongolia, lived in the man-eater infested Sunderbans on a houseboat where all the tigers swim, and made friends with a pig and an octopus. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband Howard and, until recently, a wise old border collie, who she still mourns: “Tiger Country is ferociously hones and true.”
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas should have been a conventional young lady. But her father took her to Botswana to live with the Bushmen for several years and her life was permanently changed. She has written extensively about them, as well as novels about ancient hunter-gatherers and their spirit. She kept a free range pack of dogs in Cambridge who did very well. She may be the wisest woman I know, and certainly the most observant. She said “No book should be the same as any other book, but this one is so unusual it could set a new standard. It’s a compelling, fascinating story written by a man who knows what he’s talking about.”
I respect the opinions of these people, and I hope you do. Won’t you check it out?
There will be much discussion in future posts of this blog and the new one, which I hope will be up soon. Stay tuned…
You can help support me by using one of our affiliate links above I will be getting a small amount for each purchase you make. Thank you, Steve
I'm two-thirds through Tiger Country and enjoying it immensely, As soon I finish, I will post a review on Amazon. I urge all the folks who gave you the great reviews just quoted, to post them on Amazon as well, where they will be most helpful to you in selling books.
Congratulations! I've already put the book on my Christmas wish list. I have enjoyed your writing – both books and blog – for years, so I look forward to this one.
By the way, the link appears borked – it has an extra " on the end that confused Amazon.
Ordered it today! On the way….
Really enjoyed it.
The perfect antidote to lousy weather in London.