Scolopax minor, the Woodcock. Back on March 22nd. I found this nest of 3 woodcock eggs. The hen apparently took off as I walked by working on pruning some young oaks. I took my picture and decided to stay away from this end of the property so as not to disturb her further.Today, as I was working the back part of this property, I happened to see an eye watching me in the grass. It was a hen woodcock on another nest! I took these 2 pictures. Look closely on how well the hen is camouflaged in the grass and leaves. This is very early nesting for birds and this hen has been on the nest while temperatures have dipped down to 20 degrees 2 of the last 3 nights. What a devoted mother! I backed off quietly to not disturb her while she was keeping those eggs warm. Marshall County, Indiana latitude 41 degrees.
I saw this Facebook post and couldn’t believe it. I never heard of nesting this early. When I find nests here it is in June.
We have nesting woodcock currently in MI and a skiff of snow fell overnight.
Not surprising to find them south of here earlier.