Month: August 2022
Some Books
Falconry: Still Handy
Don’t get me started.
You have to love a good parasite.
Mountain Lions vs Wolves
Mountain Lion predator Not a surprise as predators commonly kill other predators. Coyotes took a big hit in Yellowstone, too. Introduced donkeys and indigenous pumas are helping to resurrect extinct food webs in Death Valley This played well in the news, a few weeks ago.
Regal Eagle
Mark Cortner, RIP
As of now, I have no idea what has happened to Mark; I just heard the news, and was invited to his funeral at the Community church. Mark came into our small town with a bang. Betsy and I first saw him crossing the Plains of St. Augustine hauling a trailer full of Barbados sheep. …
Farewell to Double Gun Journal
A few days ago, we received an announcement from Dan and Joanna Cote that they are discontinuing the Double Gun Journal. It went from 1989 to 2022. When Daniel started it by he wan often reduced to selling off his own prints and his used firearms. It became a major success and was so or many …