Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area

With rock formations that resemble something out of a science fiction movie, Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness Study Area calls upon the imaginative spirit. Located in northwestern New Mexico, the land is rich with fossils and stunning geological formations, making it perfect for hiking and photography. U.S. Department of the Interior Another example of how small scale natural …

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My Precious!

Gold ring (circa 500A.D.) found between some boulders by a deer hunter in Sweden Museum of Artifacts “Gollum, Gollum.”

On Accidental Publishing

I accidentalLy published a post on Turksh pigeons last week called Urfa Guvercin. iI was  totally incomprehensible, and probably hastened  my image ås totally demented. It is off now.

They are back.

Love these guys. Gorgeous. As usual, open in new tabs to embiggen. 

Searching the Blog

I was trying to use the search function to find a prior post on deer here and was annoyed that the results were not sorted by date. I have run into this before and this time I was annoyed enough to look for a solution. I found this site which offered a solution and it worked. …

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