The Hare Indian dog was a breed raised by First Nations tribes. Experts believe the Hare Indian dog was a type of “coydog”, basically a coyote crossbred with a domestic dog, or even a domesticated breed of coyote.
These dogs were a medium-sized, long-haired canine used by the Northern Canadian Hare tribe for hunting.
Traditional methods of hunting phased out with the breed soon mixing with other domestic dogs. The Hare Indian dog slowly disappeared in the 1800s, and are now extinct.
Never heard of it before.
The domesticated breed of coyote angle is interesting. A friend told me a second hand story of a guy with a hand raised coyote who said it was way sharper than a dog when it came to hunting.
*updated Jan 28th
There is some question on what Hare refers to in the comments. The wiki link above says it is the Hare tribe. So Hare not hair, however there was a Salish Wool Dog bred for its hair.
So if these dogs had long fur could that have been harvested to spin and weave with? Hum?
agree with the above comment…hare or hare? Or were they used to hunt snowshoe hares amongst the tight coniferous cover and the deep snow?
*updated Jan 28th
There is some question on what Hare refers to in the comments. The wiki link above says it is the Hare tribe. So Hare not hair, however there was a Salish Wool Dog bred for its hair.