I was coming back from a wash in the village by Hillside Ave around 845 pm Nov 17th and saw a guy on a bicycle. It was really dark and when l was just behind him l saw something he was dragging on the sidewalk. It was a spike buck. I turned around to be sure and was blinded by car lights that seemed stopped. I stopped in case deer were crossing. I creeped forward and saw the cops were stopped in the middle of the road and talking to him. All I heard was, “It is good meat and l don’t want it to go to waste.” on the way by. I pulled into a side street and got out. The cops and the guy were gone but the deer was still laying on the sidewalk. I tried to get a picture but it was too dark. I have seen some strange shit but my first impression when l saw it was a deer dragged behind a bicycle on the sidewalk is up there.