I got it from the library last night.
Surprisingly, it was better than expected. The video review makes some good points but it is just a commercial movie and not art.
As usual Hollywood gets the biology wrong. Early on she sees a buck and even calls it a whitetail. It spooks and she chases it while it screams elk calls. The animals were fake except for the cute dog and it showed. They didn’t have the budget of Avatar so I gave them a pass on that. At least, they didn’t have a guy in Scotland with a Harris hawk like in the Viking movie I saw before it.
The movie was respectful to the First Nations characters which was a step up from most Hollywood depictions. Don’t get me wrong this was a low bar but still good to see.
As far as the story goes, it is the usual string of fight scenes and cartoon violence standard in ‘action’ flicks. Nothing new about that but as a movie it could have been so much worse. That it wasn’t was a pleasant surprise.