Remember the barrier effect we shared about earlier this month? Take a look at this map that shows a single grizzly bear’s 46 attempts at crossing I-90 near Drummond, Montana. These movements were recorded over the course of 29 days in fall 2020 and 24 days in spring 2021. (You read that right – 46 attempts within 53 days.) This is just one example of how roads and traffic volume can be a barrier to wildlife passage creating habitat fragmentation and limiting wildlife’s ability to find water, food, and mates. Wildlife crossing structures with fencing are effective at not only mitigating wildlife-vehicle collisions but also maintaining habitat connectivity for wildlife! Yellowstone Safe Passages Map source: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
Roads and wildlife have been mentioned here several times. This is a great example of how they limit wildlife.
Anyone else notice the bear made a bear head?!?! Such talent! Carrie Marie Vaughn
MEXICAN GRIZZLY BEAR (Ursus arctos nelsoni) ENDangered SUBSPECIES–The Mexican grizzly, or silver bear, was one of the largest predators that inhabited southern North America in recent times (from the southern U.S. to much of northern Mexico). This bloodline is considered a subspecies of the Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos), characterized by a smaller size compared to other northern Grizzlies, and a beautiful coloring, gray with subtle light stripes and dark limbs. This creature went extinct between 1964 and 1976, last years when records of its presence were given, the cause of its extinction was hunting, being considered a “plague” for livestock. Currently, the territory of Mexico has only one species of bear, the American Black bear, which is sought to protect to avoid its extinction. If surviving could the black bear occupy the range and activities previously carried out by the Mexican Grizzly? Another alternative would be to recover the Mexican Grizzly, molecular science has shown that the race of Mexico was not so distant at a genetic level from the rest of the bears in North America, belonging to the subspecies “Ursus arctos horribilis”, and until considered that they are actually the same subspecies, so specimens of Grizzly bears could be introduced with similar appearance to the Mexican Grizzly bears (in the attached photographs of a Grizzly from Yellowstone, USA, with fur similar to that of the Mexican Grizzlies), and with the help of genetic engineering even DNA could be recovered from the skins that are preserved of Mexican Grizzlies and employ them in the repopulation of this race, but it would be a very difficult project for which it would take a lot of money and the will of both governments What do you think?
References:Miller, Waits y Joyce. 2006. Phylogeography and mitochondrial diversity of extirpated brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in the contiguous United States and Mexico. Molecular Ecology (2006) 15, 4477–4485–Follow me on Instagram for more content:.Subscribe to my YouTube channel:Read me on my official website: