This is getting a lot of play lately. There may be a raptor in there an one point.
Results for "Murmuration"
“Murmuration over Lanhydrock Park”
Annie Ovenden (British Artist, born 1945) @annieovenden “Murmuration over Lanhydrock Park”, 2020 Art Infinitus That time of year that the starlings do it is now.
A murmuration of starlings made with clay
From a recent exhibition by Elly Morgan – a small murmuration of starlings made with clay and smoke-fired. 242 birds in total. Sandra Scott Steve likes murmurations so this may be of interest.
Murmuration Math
Starling Murmuration
Murmurations, De-Extinction, Passenger Pigeons
I love these strange flocks — they are like another level of organization altogether.
Actually not the right collective noun exactly though it appears to have become the “meme”– that word again– the one that you can use to find all kinds of bird “herd mind” videos on YouTube. HT to my old bird hunting friend Jeff Ball in Bozeman…
Looks like fun.
Sandpiper Season
BarryBurgess pix I have a whole video on this on my Youtube Channel (including hunting Peregrines) for those who are interested and can’t see it in person. It’s an amazing sight and worth going to see. Simon Paul d’Entremont pix Steampunk falcon pic TUNNICLIFFE pic Wall art pic It is Sandpiper Season again for the …