Lane Batot sent in this quote from “that clever ‘Anonymous’ person”: “Pedigree indicates what the animal is supposed to be; Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be; Function indicates what the animal actually is.”
Tag: Animal Breeding
Heinz Meng, 1925 – 2015: RIP
Heinz Meng in the 70s. Dr Heinz Meng of New Paltz NewYork, a long -time professor of Zoology at the State University there and the man who first bred falcons in captivity in the US (Not in the WORLD as many news reports chauvinistically state; Renz Waller bred several in Germany before the war, and …
Paul has his old NM Gos back, a bird who might have been his best. He has descendants, with Finnish genes, and if all goes well I may yet fly one. Accipiter gentilis apache may or may or may not be a valid taxon, but Gila Goshawks are distinctive. First I ever saw was in …
Photoblogging: Kurdish Turkey II: Village Life
Hounds, houses, house partridge, sheep, field pigeons… Partridge, called “Keklik” are kept as pets and for calling their wild relatives, which they catch with fine nooses… demonstrated below These “swift” pigeons are bred for show in the west but fly free here. The one on the ground had just evaded a wild Peregrine and was …
Easter Doggage/ Impending Litter?
Riss and Aymoon: If you think Aymoon seems a little goofy, consider this photo of him in action. We already know that Rissy is a good girl.
Trouble coming: APHIS
A few weeks ago the Sportsman’s andAnimal Owners Alliance warned us that, despite the efforts and concerns expressed, literally for years, by small breeders, APHIS was coming. They listed these points of concern: “Can hunting dog kennel owners sell pets? Can breeders ship sight-unseen where relationships have been well established ? Can litters be whelped …
More on Closed Registries
Population geneticist Federico Calboli is a frequent and outspoken commenter at Q. I sent him the material below even before I blogged it. Here, with his permission, are his thoughts. As he is not affiliated with any breeding organization his freedom from bias is clear. If you believe that simply picking from two healthy parents …
Clear Thinking on Genetic Diversity
Every breeder of domestic animals with a closed studbook should read this, all of it. Most important is the section the writer, Jeffrey Bragg, calls Principles for the Breeder. (MANY thanks to Daniela Imre). “The great majority of dog breeds have been bred within a completely closed studbook for sixty to a hundred years or …
More relatives; Daniela’s boys in part, Shunkar, showing the permanent damage the rattler did; thank God he did not lose an eye. Then, Monnie’s new pups, from John B and Vladimir; sweet Kyra, Tigger’s daughter, with her GSD protector Eden, and (the little red) feisty Aeris, Taika’s neice and already a tiny tyrant who knows …
Once and future?
Passenger pigeons at the Denver Museum by Reid. They will be back, here at least. But why do those who would resurrect them plan on using Columba (Bandtail, now) genes for a template for such obvious Zenaida relatives?