Gerry Cox, a founding member of our small group of writing- hunting- eating- gun nut- lit- crit sporting gents, (another is The Old Gunkie), has been hounded by us into starting his own blog. It will be good. He is the only talented amateur gunsmith I know who has published in English Literary Renaissance, and …
Tag: Blogs
Christina’s Blog
Another post I have been kicking down the road: my friend Christina Nealson’s blog. I kept trying to think of original ways to describe her vivid writing and books, her nomadic life, her heterodox feminism and her support of the Second Amendment… Finally I thought: why not just let her describe her visit? Come back …
I have difficulty spending too much time at the keyboard these days, while work expands, and I find myself neglecting reading my blog “family”. Then I go on binges of catching up. Yesterday, while reading my indispensable fellow New Mexican gun and science fans, the Atomic Nerds, I scrolled down to find that Stingray had …
More Visitors
Who but Arthur Wilderson would visit and bring obscure, beautifully- made Czech battle rifles, other military goodies, a bottle of cherry dessert wine from a Colorado winery, and friends, Nate and (female) Evan, with interests in everything from fossil cat cladistics and Darren Naish’s blog to Asian falconry and cartridges I had never heard of? …
Just a few links
(I have a million but) Neutrino Cannon links to an unusually clear video of what tumbling pigeons do. He is also the only blogger of my acquaintance to note the passing at 83 of the man who invented hard rock– in 1958!– Link Wray, the man whose “Rumble” was the only instrumental ever banned on …
Tiger Reading
John Vaillant did a reading last night at Riverrun Books in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for his wonderful new book on Amur tigers, poachers, and rangers. I had participated in part by reviewing The Tiger here. I’ll let him configure the whole tale for you, but Dr Hypercube was the pivotal figure, and blogged it here. …
Blogs and sites
A few blogs and sites new to me: Birds of Kazakhstan. The new Ithaca Gun Company– with 28 gauges! Coming soon: a watchdog site contra HSUS. Mouthful of Feathers: a tough literate bird- hunting blog. Trevor Herriot’s Grass Notes: a Canadian prairie blog.
Back However Briefly!
Very busy with puppies and projects (and the flu) but the world keeps coming up with new stuff to annoy or enlighten. I’d rather take a break but eventually the pressure builds… Enlightenment and fun before the bad stuff! Darren Naish has been doing so many good posts I can hardly keep up. Here , …
Prairie Mary has just written a post that mentions us most favorably. I’m blushing. As we try to see through the fog to what will happen in publishing, we need such thought. BTW Penelope Reedy once printed my essay- with- recipe “Private Reconciliation Chile”, which also appears in On The Edge of the Wild.
We are way behind on our Blogroll but here are some more you should check out. I first noticed Field Notes from this post on Annie Proulx but it is a consistently good read if you want to keep up on intelligent hunting. A team? Raised by Wolves: strong and informed commentary by a dog …