Lauren’s amazing ink:
Tag: Central Asia
Central Asian Arrivals
The First Eagle Huntress?
However admirable Ashiolpan seems (and she is), and however fine the movie the Eagle Huntress is (and I suspect it is, and I want to see it), SHE IS NOT THE FIRST EAGLE HUNTRESS. This mistaken belief is particularly promulgated by American reviewers and I know I shouldn’t expect much of them; I should only …
Book is more than half done but not done; cover is. Vadim of course.
Ataika and her mother in Almaty; Almaty life
Could it be ten years ago? More? Ataika at 6 weeks, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in Konstantin and Anna Plakhov’s back yard, the day we met her, with mother Oska. A month in our apartment, with days riding around in Askar Raybaev’s (Mitsubishi!) stretch limo; visiting museums and supermarkets and restaurants and archaeologists; then to New …
Leon Gaspard was a Taos painter of the early 20th century, with an eccentric style that makes him marginally less popular than some of his straightforwardly impressionist colleagues. He was a Russian who traveled in the the Soviet Union in the 20’s. Like his predecessor , the poet and novelist Lermontov (grandfather Scot “Learmont”), his …
Snaphance Locks
The first, made by a Mongolian blacksmith, is younger than I am. No date on the ornate Italian one, from a Twitter photo recycled by David Zincavage. But remember, the invention of the flintlock , in this form, dates back to almost 1600, and Cherkassov who published the drawing, called them “Primitive” in 1865…
Visual Free Association
David Zincavage sent me this striking image of a Kazakh girl and eagle. The rather formal gold- braided pattern on her coat is common among all the Turkic peoples of Central Asia, from Uzbekistan through Kyrgizstan to the (Kazakh) western “Aimag” of Mongolia. Jack and Niki wore Uzbek versions for their wedding in Santa Fe. …
Old Photo
From Tim Gallagher. Caption from Lane Batot: “Upon opening an insurance office in Kyrghistan, agent Smith visited a local village in hopes of raising payment rates in regard to the residents keeping exotic and dangerous animals on the premises. Agent Smith has not been heard from since….”
Central Asian Dogs and Falconry
First, a wonderful film from Kyrgizstan– in English! Next, an amazing album of photos by our friend Jutta, who traveled there this spring. I have already posted a few of her photos. Another film, from Turkmenistan. Notice the smaller Sakers there, more like Prairie falcons than Gyrs. The style of hunting is much like ours, …