… are weirder than you CAN imagine … XKCD tip from artist John Conway’s Twitter feed.
Darren’s Opinion of Feathered Dinos…
Darren’s opinion on feathered dinos is at LEAST as strong as mine, and better informed– but I didn’t do a T- Shirt. I don’t usually wear one, but I have ordered his, in a kind of dayglo golden orange at that… Darren’s blog(s)– his has had several versions and sponsors– have been what I thought …
Update on “Beebesaurus”
… also known as Microraptor gui. I painted it a sort of irridescent black, to conform with what is known about its feathers. Can’t believe how much it looks like Beebe’s bookplate in his pre- WW I (1910) book Our Search for a Wilderness. Microraptor was dug up in China in 2003.
The Kids Know…
Dinos had feathers! Eli’s 4th birthday card… feathered T rex by Jackson. Article coming in Living Bird…
Links I: Feathers and Carriage Horses
…which I have been neglecting. With a book deadline and one for a big article not too far away, the impending operation, and things like four- hour “Neurological Psychology” tests, these more than one hundred miles away– I won’t burden you further, but I can be distracted. But: FEATHERS. I an a bit disappointed that …
Paradigm SHIFTED
… decisively: not the “Cover of the Rolling Stone” as I have been calling it but, of course, that of Scientific American. I thought at first they were a bit late to the party, as it was the late John Ostrom who started the ball rolling with his discovery of Deinonychus, which he reported in …
Pluvi Tweets about this fantastic photo of Cassowaries, and once again damns the lizards of Jurassic Park. Early adapters can risk looking weird, but those who cling to the old paradigm too long can come to look like Flat – Earthers…
Paradigm Shifted?
From Lucas Machias comes a link to this paper on Tyrannosaurid combat and cannibalism in Science Daily, with a nice illo by Luis Rey of two big mean birds. It is not even remarked on…
Paradigm Shift!
It’s happening NOW. Tim Gallagher just sent me this image from a comics website: feathered tyrannosaurid attacking Roman legionnaires!
Bird and Moon knows “raptors” have feathers… (HT Annie Davidson). Apparently, Stephen Spielberg does not.