A little on 4 Bores

We know little about the “ten- plus” bores in America, but in England they still build them. The always- innovative Michael Louca of Watson brothers builds them as Best- quality sidelock ejectors– not just for collectors either, though he admits his over twenty pound, 42 inch plus barrel model is mostly a collectors item. He …

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Beautiful guns plus

I very nearly used Libby’s not unkind but perhaps too accurate term “gun porn”, but quailed at putting it in the title,  fearing just what search engines might send people here. The Stephen Grant 16 is all cleaned up– mechanicals by John Besse, wood by me– safe to shoot, and pretty– now I must decide …

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On “Best” guns, from the delightful Westley Richards Blog: “…the very best work is still done by men with files and chisels and, by definition, best work is what a best gun is about. When asked about the difference between making guns and making best guns, Tom Wilkes made the observation  ‘it all comes down …

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Speaking of pretty guns…

Andrew, using my former Grant, has a great day in the field. “It’s taken dumber birds already, but the Grant got its first wild birds today — and in style, limiting out on sharptail on our first day out. “It was a rough day with winds gusting well over 20mph.  Despite being on private land …

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Frederick Scott

William’s nephew, Frederick built guns in the first two decades of the century, in Birmingham but with London styling. This is a 12 bore, proofed for 2 3/4″ 1 1/4 ounce shells (!- I will not shoot anything that stout in a gun that weighs just over six pounds!), barrles that are an unusual (or …

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