.. to write at the upright desk novelist Brad Watson gave me in Laramie- or as we say here automatically,”Still staggering”.
Tag: I get by with a little help from my friends…
Teal Meal
Courtesy of Thomas Quinn: four Greenwings, roasted in a 500 degree oven for 5 minutes, with only olive oil, sea salt, and cracked pepper:
Unusual Honor
I dont know what to say. A friend has just named a hotel after one of my books! Khanat Chiryazdan, my old guide and the proprietor of Blue Wolf Travel, IMAO the most interesting travel service in Mongolia (especially if you like eagles), has built a hotel in Olgii city and called it…. “Eagle Dreams …
Falconry Goddesses
Ourc regnant falconry goddesses, Helen Maconald and Lauren McGough, do a podcast TOGETHER at the BBC.More please! https://mobile.twitter.com/HelenJMacdonald/status/909753333317095424?p=v Full of good sense and unexpected insights-; as Helen says., only Lauren would fly an eagle because it is so SERENE. Lauren is currently in S Africa chasing drunken monkeys with a “little” male Crowned eagle. We …
Gordon Hall Wasley Austin RIP
When my old friend and editor at Gray’s, Reed Austin, wrote a piece on how he met his wife, Gordon Hall Wasley, on a business fishing trip in which he ended up getting a treble hook bass plug stuck in his butt, and Gordon had to remove it, I thought it was hilarious and wrote …
John takes off
Our favorite gun geek John Besse left for his summer home on a tributary of the Snake in Idaho in the middle of the night so nobody would make a fuss. I wasn’t too surprised. Here he is with his latest project, a restored M99 Savage in the uncommon “250- 3000” caliber. He is partial …
Paul’s cane
Paul Schmolke is one of my oldest friends in Albuquerque, where he worked st Ron Peterson’s when I first met him. He is a gunmaker, a poet, and a student of Zen Buddhism, which combination made him a natural for our “circle”. In the photo above he is examining a big- frame Parker in our …
If you were to have three English Shotguns
.. you know, if you HAD to… You could do worse than these three: Or if it came to two: Top: Frederick Scott 12 bore SLE proofed for heavy loads, but weighs only 6 1/4 lbs 16 bore Cogswell & Harrison from London, 30″ Damascus barrels. 6 lbs .410 Thomas Turner with 26″ barrels, again …
Friends who help
Kim Nesvig, our only animal hand and the one who fills in for all emergencies.I will try to print her card later…
Domenic “Doc” Conca, DDS- 1925- 2016, R.I.P.: on Conca’s Lawn.
One of my unmentioned mentors died at 91 a couple of days ago: Dr Domenic Conca of Randolph, Massachusetts. “Doc” was the father of my oldest friend, Michael Conca, who was my schoolmate from first grade through my first year in college (BC: I dropped out), as well as my housemate and partner in a …