Malcolm dissents

Malcolm Brooks, author of Painted Horses and a capital- F Friend of Q, was so appalled by an Adam Gopnik anti- gun rant in the New Yorker that he wrote the furious and sometimes even funny riposte below. Turns out he was “baited” with an old essay, but the truth remains. Apparently no one at …

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Worst Design Idea EVER

From California Home and Design, proving once and for all that everything you suspected about California is true… To quote them, “Enter the second-floor 1908 library… Designing for a modern family, DeSousa was challenged to fill the shelves with real books when today most are read with an iPad. With the help of, a …

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The New York Horses

Jon Katz, despite his recent open heart surgery, is still fighting the good fight for the Carriage horses of Central Park and against the combined forces of AR supporters and the City’s incredibly clueless mayor: “They are coming for the horses, and they are coming for the ponies and elephants and working dogs and chickens …

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It is official

You might have figured it out in comments below but it is official: because the Feds are allowing a three- decade exemption for wind farms to kill as many eagles as they “need” to, and because they exert no pressure on tribal use (right and understandable for religious practice, but ignoring the profitable if clandestine …

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Worst Gun Engraving…

EVER? A “Palo Alto Rigby”, sent by Jonathan who has an old London one. Makes this English- made one, which we used to groan about, look quite tasteful. At least the lions are realistic… Do remember that both of these guns cost more than my house– come to think of it, the engraved coyotes cost …

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