Serious stuff, really. Jonathan Katz at Bedlam Farm Journal has been carrying a pretty heavy load by being the point man on the controversy, almost entirely fabricated by those who know nothing about animals, over banning the Central Park carriage horses. (If animals needed psychologists, those horses would be happy; as Freud knew, love and …
Tag: Links
Brad Watson, who was on at least one of the hunts below, has just gotten his story “Eykelboom” published in the New Yorker, and it is FINE haunting story. Is the New Yorker publishing better fiction recently? I say yes, from all sorts of odd and good writers– I know it is not northeastern- chauvinist …
Lucas’ Links
My friend whose cyber name is “Lucas Machias” sends more links than anyone I know, and I can’t keep up with him. His favorite subjects include but are not limited to wildlife art, paleontology, evolution, and sporting lit. I have decided to occasionally give him a post of links of his own; there is no …
Weekend Links
… good, bad, & strange. Bear with my light blogging for a couple more weeks please! First, good: Tazi pix! Right from the source, Almaty & environs– the bearded ethnic Russian guy is Konstantin Plakhov, who bred our Ataika, seen here as a pup at Kostya’s there and as a matron, here, below. Libby with …
Some smart atheists (and one brilliant one, John Gray, who really doesn’t fit that or any easy definition) defend religion against “fundamentalist atheists”. HT Vic Venters. Local naturalist John Wilson, followed by many other friends, sent in a link about the ancient cultures of Central Asia. Makes me nostalgic. Jonathan Hanson sends a link on …
Link: PLF
We have a good link at the Patrick Leigh Fermor blog, on Geoffrey Household. Follow it to more details on the letter below and more…
Linkfest plus…
Good news announcement imminent (no, not the pending grandchild or as Mr P calls it “the Forthcoming Offspring”)– but I think I will wait until it is “on paper” so to speak. Somehow pixels are not quite as real… Also other news: going to Wyoming in August, where Libby will cook for an old friend’s …
A Few Links
Michael Pollan thinks the recent attacks on “foodies” and gluttony may be in part the product of an unholy alliance of Big Ag and stealth vegans– really! For the record, for the past couple of years I have begun to suspect that The Atlantic has a stealth AR agenda– something that would be less harmful …
MANY links
Unseasonal cold weather (down to nearly – 30 or as people are suddenly all saying “NEGATIVE” 30 F at night) has curtailed outdoor activity but there have been everything from house emergencies to deadlines to unexpected trips to Santa Fe, all taking their toll on the blog. I hope regular service can resume– I have …
Random Links, Good & Bad…
The Saudis believe they have thwarted an Israeli spy attempt— by a vulture. In the context of deconstructing a dumb set of generalizations by Dennis Prager, LabRat gets off a brilliant riposte (emphasis mine): “I absolutely believe he’s correct in that contempt is the most corrosive thing there can be in a relationship, and that …