Busy busy busy– winterizing, trying to get in shape, jump start big projects… so some amusements. A properly muscled saluki by Cellini, middle 1500’s, courtesy of Sir Terence Clark. Many Asia list members have noted that he is so fit that show judges today would fault him for his muscle definition… The Capital C Creation …
Tag: Miscellany
Hecate at Hecate’s Crossroad (Wiccan, guns, and animal training) speaks of the relevance of “clicker training” to gun laws: “So if you’re seeing a whole lot of behaviors you don’t want, you can bet those behaviors are being rewarded, somewhere, somehow.” (Snip) “For punishment to work as a behavior-modification method, it must be a significant …
Links & Opinions: Miscellany
I am working on two chapters for a new book, but have been searching out new links for your delight or dismay in my off time. Let’s see… Before the usual, congratulations to Rebecca, who is moving with her menagerie to Northern California to take up a high position in Ducks Unlimited. If anyone has …