Tanuma Photos

I have carried around a 1969 Life magazine (with a photo of Ted Kennedy just post- Chappaqudick on the cover!) because it has a gallery of wonderful images by photographer T Tanuma.Yesterday, hoping to put them in a more secure mode, I photo’d them.These are some of the results.


“… the shot of him crawling down the center line on a remote desert highway (his idea, not mine!) may not send the proper parenting messages. Roads are dangerous, children should be rock climbing instead!” A.  Jackson Frishman, on grandson Eli in a review of the year’s photos of the Adventure Kid. Don’t know if …

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Heirloom Photos?

Two “family” photos that hang on our walls are a little better than snapshots. Our friend Jay Dusard took this of me a LONG time ago at Libby’s house in Montana. This, even longer ago, was an outtake for this. That is Libby over near the right with the short black hair and the blonde …

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Some more talented friends

Lest anyone be confused about who is who (see comments not too far below), two southwestern greats, artists, horse folks, friends: photographer Jay Dusard, printmaker and pastel artist Nance McManus, A couple of favorites by Nance: “Prophet”, and a Dinosaurian heron And two by Jay. The first is of rancher- houndman- conservationist Warner Glenn, who …

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Old Portrait

… by Jay Dusard, Libby’s place in Bozeman (Montana) in the 90’s, with Bart and Bo, long gone. JP says: “I love the photo of Steve at age twelve with his dogs (good looking little Aussie!). I love photos of people with their pets or working partners, meaning horses, (And all trades, their gear and …

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Jack at work

My stepson Andrew Jackson Frishman of Crest, Cliff and Canyon, at work as well as play on the lip of the Grand– photo by Greg Russell. Make sure you read their posts on a place under threat of a kind of development that would be ridiculous were it not real. Not all “Natives” are benign …

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A Few Birds

Coming back this weekend after work, sick days, and generally too much, and that dull. (Why is it so hard to pay writers dammit???) We will have links, pix, dog news, poetry. I will finally review David Quammen. I will announce others. There will be…. MORE. Tonight though, good photos… as always, right or double …

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Goshawks in Love

Courtesy of Pecular. Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a link to a bigger version of the photograph, and here is one to the photographer, photoblogger Juanma Hernandez: Gos photos and more, including the first action scenes I have ever seen of a wryneck…