Whether you’re a neighborhood secessionist masquerading as a home gardener—or the reverse—it’s likely you’ve started this year’s troop review. Three cheers to the Revolution! This year we have a new recruit, an eight-foot bed made this weekend that is slowly transforming the kids’ playground to dual use. This fall some pole beans will be growing up the …
Tag: The Revolution
Revolutionary Update
The latest monthly garden report reveals troop-strength at historical summer lows. The legions of tomatoes, once proudly at attention, are now “at ease” and nearly falling out of formation. In fact, two recently went AWOL. The sunflower looks to have enjoyed a little too much R&R. And the beans are just plain going to seed. …
I speculated recently that if Americans provided just 10% of their own food via gardening and hunting, Monsanto would have a cow. I wondered further: Could any elected official propose such an alarming change in the national status quo? More importantly, Could the average American even pull it off? Ten percent. Every day. Michael Pollan …
News from The Front
The situation on the ground since my last Revolutionary Update is good. The troops are flourishing, even as the local heat and dry spell continue. Pictures to follow. But first, I’m pleased to forward this Revolutionary Report from our friends The Barrows, who are furthering their plan for financial independence by putting in their first …
Revolution in the Subtropics
Is there something about the heat that stirs rebellion? We’ve hit 90 for the past couple days and the Revolutionary Garden is feeling it. The tomatoes love it. The beans love it. But the lettuce just about died on me in a day. So after weighing my options, I tacked up some spare shade cloth. …
Progress of the revolution
The past month of revolutionary action hath wrought food and rumors of food. Although still another month from the possibility of daily produce–and further from a tradable surplus–we are grazing now on lettuce and berries and basil. Behold, the vast acres:
A Gardener is Born
My friend Tyler, one of our neighborhood growers, is an Iraq war vet and all-around man’s man who finds some amusement in his new passion for gardening. He emailed this post and gave me permission to share it… Go Big T! SO, I AM A VEGETABLE GARDENER? It comes as a surprise to me the …
Neighborhood Secession
“…Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize and make their own so much of the territory as they inhabit.” -Abraham Lincoln A recent 2Blowhards post wondering whether secession will become one of this year’s political themes got me thinking: How hard could it be? As usual, the comments on that post were many, …