
There is something soul- satisfying about getting firewood when you are in the midst of a real winter…

Libby supervises Tyler Scartaccini and Tom Rupenacht’s delivery of a good load of what we call “cedar”. It is actually a juniper but locally the common name is reserved for alligator juniper. This is the species with red heartwood– some, not me, say it is “too pretty to burn.”

The 94 Winchester “Modern” Sporting Rifle has no connection to anything– we just brought it out  to show Ty.

We got it just in time…

8 thoughts on “Firewood”

  1. jim Cornelius, et al. if I may add a good bowl of menudo or pozole to your list!……… over here in Arizona we have what we call "shaggy bark" juniper, as in this foto. but I don't think we have anything with such a red heart?

  2. you aren't finished until the wood is stacked. That way it warms you at least twice. We split two cords a couple of sundays ago and my arms still hurt. Worse than that it is still green so I had to buy wood to burn this winter, but I'll have a good supply for next winter.

  3. I read that a Winchester model 1873 was found leaning against a juniper in Great Basin National park. The serial number indicates it was manufactured in 1882, it's condition and circumstance indicates it's been there for a very long time.

  4. A Canadian reader sent the news. I am curious what the evidence that it has been in the spot so long is; it must be VERY dry if the metal is still in a condition conducive to reading serial numbers!

    The rifle in the photo is curious because rather than very old it is in the last year of production of the long- barreled, crescent- butted Modern Sporting Rifle version of the Model 94; early thirties.

  5. Maybe you guys just had that gun out to show Ty, but it no doubt kept potential wood thieves at bay, and insured they unloaded ALL of the truckload of wood delivered(ahem!)….L.B.


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