

Oxpecker and Buffalo

One of the very few friends a Buffalo has.

Everyone else gets suspicion and\or a potential ass kicking. The buff has a rep for being bad and lives up to it. As Robert Ruark said, “He looks at you like you owe him money.’

Wilhelm Kuhnert was likely the best at getting that look right.  Zoom in on the eye.

*A post in homage to the late Tom Mcintyre’s love of buffalo.

Tom reading from his buff book and others.

Why are buffalo black in a tropical environment with heat issues?  There are likely many reasons but the one I wonder about is something Val Geist said somewhere. He claimed black is a color that animals that confront predators often have. He claimed there were some poorly known  reasons for why this might be. There were some very interesting psychological possibilities for why but I never heard more about it.

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