Our Ecologist and Land Manager, Luke Sutton, captured this amazing image on Christmas day at Chinkwell Tor. It captures the phenomenon known as a Brocken Spectre, which is an optical illusion caused by the sun shining from behind a person and projecting their shadow onto fog. The shadow appears to look like a giant person, …
Month: January 2025
Vermiglio. Touted as good.
Shortlisted “Best International Feature” Academy Awards! “Breathtaking. A momentous vision of everyday rural existence in the Italian Alps. –Variety Vermiglio Something Steve might like since it is set in his ancestral turf.
A take on Douglas Adams
A take on Douglas Adams and his The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It seems well received from the comments. I am not schooled on it so it is for you to judge.
The filmmakers then visited the Sacramento Zoo to observe a Himalayan monal for Kevin’s animation. Up (2009_film) It is highly likely this is one of the subjects in Beebe’s Pheasant Jungles which was chapter 32 in Steve’s book on books.
That dog is feeling like king of the hill.
That dog is feeling like king of the hill. #6 is a better video that is on facebook.
It happened here once
In 2012, a show presented by Garden State Fireworks went awry. On Wednesday, July 4, 2012, 7,000 fireworks,[1] intended for a 17-minute display, discharged prematurely and simultaneously from all four barges and the pier.[10] The entire cache exploded in less than a minute.[11] The coordinated fireworks are triggered by computer, and the premature discharge was blamed on a corrupted …
The World in Infrared.
Life in Another Light Infrared Photography Contest 2024 Winners I have to admit I never heard of it but the results are interesting. I was particularly taken with the lichens in infrared.
Darne Display
No info with the pic but it looks old. I like the cut away Darne at bottom.
Another Parkinson’s link
Multiple credible studies have found that agricultural workers who handle paraquat—or live near areas where it is applied—face a higher incidence of Parkinson’s disease, which can eventually turn even the simplest movements into daunting challenges. Animal research further underscores paraquat’s toxic effects on nerve cells, although proving direct causation for individuals affected by Parkinson’s remains difficult. Herbicide …
Crow Present?
Pizza Saver Did I get my first crow present this week? This was where I feed them and a long ways from where it might have blown in. I have been feeding multiple generations for 10 years. In winter gulls are a problem. I can’t believe how fast they figure out the crows are on …