Giant hives hanging from the ceiling inside a glass case with outdoor access at “Home of Bees” in Poyales del Hoyo, Spain. Bees sometimes create beautiful heart-shaped hives when they aren’t forced into frames. Lorie’s Honey Bees
Month: October 2023
Exteme Knapping
Shotgun Oddities?
New Lefty Kreh Statue
Another Day in the Office
Gyrfalcons Striking a Kite
Nature TTL Photographer of the Year 2023
Copper Knife
One of my most difficult knife handles to make is copper in matrix. Check out this one I recently completed. Two Old Stoners Other work. It says Hooker on the Blade. A serious knife collector friend thought it was a good one.
Accipiters Compared
An excellent photo showing the size difference between a Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s Hawk. Females are larger than males in both species. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory.