.. of mine, anyway, is my friend Bill Wise. He is a writer, sportsman, hunter, and shooter, and a former surfer. He has flown in gliders, dived, and saied with Hobie Alter. He has shot more than a few whitetails,and he has drunk beer and eaten green chile at the famous Owl Bar in San Antonio New Mexico. He has driven to visit me in Maine and New Mexico. He has done all of this but surf since a surfing accident on August 10,1965, left him a quadruplegic with a bit of use of his arms. That was 41 years ago. And now, as you can see above, he has taken up shooting clays again.
Here are a couple of pics of his New Mexico visit back in ’87. We had told him years before about the “Honey Wagon” and when he saw it he ran it down in his wheelchair for a pic.
Yes, it does say “Your Shit is my Bread and Butter”.
In the Owl. I have aged worse than he, I fear:
I have to constantly remind myself that I am not limited. Nobody is; we only limit ourselves in our minds.
And the quote on that honey wagon is amazing.
I’m told that Bill died this morning, Feb. 23, 2007. My heart’s broken.
Pleas let us know more, Joe.
Bill had been hospitalized for months for various infections and, when finally sent home, returned without his signature vitality and humor. His wife Rosalie never faltered and remains an extraordinary person. In your picture, I’m the guy wearing the ”B” baseball cap, Erik Koik is to the right and his son Ben is shown helping Bill smash another clay target.