Blogging resumes, if briefly…

Busy but I THINK done with the Eagle Book (real cover coming) and in a routine with the Book of Books; the latest descriptive if uninspired title is Bodio’s Choice; One Hundred essential Hunting and Fishing Books; (“through the Ages? “From X to Y”?) Plus getting our local art press, or rather Laurie Gregg and her Village Press, on board to help with illos for what we will now refer to as “100”– examples of possibles coming. Also visits, overlapping, from brother in law George Graham (below at our ruin– more “TK”) and old Montana friend, fine gunmaker and writer Steve Hughes, whom we haven’t seen for years, AND St Patrick’s day at the Spur, and setting up The Chicken with a gravel nest ledge to see if she might lay eggs (she is courting me), and a session at the range for George, and …

It has left me little time. A bunch of photos and links coming up & more soon.

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