Margory Cohen sent this, by the late, great, and much- missed Vicki Hearne:
The New Hound Puppy
Now it is time for her name –
Start the call. The time may come
For her job, which is to run
Holes in the palpable wind
Hallowed by world and the world
Will collapse, follow this hound
Through meteoric valleys.
Wolf-shag domains. Here God says
Himself through the wolf until
A slenderness of hound bitch
With a speed like silk shimmers
At God, all arc and angle,
Revelations for voice. So
It was in the beginning
And evermore shall be, so
Her arcs speak back to the light
Which is become an affair
Of luminous shadows, so
It was in the beginning
And evermore shall be in
Her temporal impudence,
Intended as litany.
Vicki Hearne
Tricks of the Light
University of Chicago Press
Chicago and London
"Temporal impudence"
Does it get any better ?
Thank you for posting this!
It was Adam's Task by Vicki Hearne that made me realize I could read a "hard" non-fiction book and love the challenge. Way back when. Thank you for sharing & bringing up reminders.