Don’t tell RFK Jr

Before refrigerators existed, people would preserve products that needed to be kept cold, such as milk, by putting frogs in them.

In the past, each community had its own method of preservation. The ancient Russian and Finnish communities found a magnificent and very clever solution to this milk preservation: Throwing brown frogs called ‘Rana temporaria’ into milk…
A scientific study conducted in 2013 proved that this method worked. It was revealed that proteins such as Brevinin 1Tb synthesized from the skins of frogs (and other amphibians) restricted the life of some bacteria. Thus, the Russians and Finns discovered, albeit through trial and error, that they could fight bacteria by adding proteins produced from the skins of frogs to their milk.  Dans show viral video

If this is true, it is a WTF prime example.

Don’t tell RFK Jr. He will want us to drink it like raw milk.

Throwback pic from my trapping days as a younger man!! In the winter of 2010. I trapped enough Pine Marten in the wilds of Labrador to buy a new pickup truck. Although I didn’t trap for the money. It was a way of life and culture I grew up in. My dad and grandfather before him were trappers. It’s in your blood!! Also for those who have never tried it. Pine Marten is a very good meat. Similar to Rabbit!! Brad-Christa Pye
Frog milk and weasel meat??!!!
Those are choices Bourdain surely missed. I wonder if they are true and why haven’t I heard of marten meat being good before?

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