Much good material up, some in response to my coursing screed, some not. Here, the Alpha Environmentalist registers his always pungent opinions on the coursing controversy– I particularly like “pooping pompoms”. A friend of Matt’s who breeds whippets adds via email:
“The possible mindset of some of the greyhound adoption groups, those supporting passage of AB 2110, is simply baffling to me. Greyhound adoption groups – greyhound owners – actively supporting what is essentially the first legal attempts of classification of their very own breed as “bloodthirsty killers”? Greyhound owners actively supporting what is essentially the first “breed specific, sighthound specific” anti-dog legislation in the country – aimed against their very own breed?
“Greyhound owners actively supporting the very people saying that should their dogs act exactly as nature designed dogs to be for thousands of years – carnivores – it should be cause to hold their owners legally liable and responsible for this normal animal behaviour, with the potential for a prison term?
“I can’t believe I am seeing dog owners handing the anti-dog forces, not only the bullets to kill them with, but the gun to do it, too!
“What in the world are they thinking?”
Meanwhile, Dog Politics examines the politically- correct agenda of “guardianship” language, and why it is a stalking horse for the AR agenda. “My friend is an animal lover who genuinely cares and wants to make a difference – she is a jewel amongst thorns. My friend – and other animal lovers like her – also fits the target demographic profile of animal rights group. She’s just been marketed to – quite effectively, by people in the animal rights movement – with a message that guardianship is kinder than ownership. She has been sold sold a bill of goods on guardianship by those that have an agenda – and considering PETA’s 90% kill rate – that agenda doesn’t quite match what my friend has in mind. “
More commentary on the AR mindset by Dr. John: “AR leaders, the activists, achieve their power and influence by manipulating people’s feelings, but I’m not so sure how much they themselves participate in those feelings. They look to me like so many other puritanical fascists, on a power trip, with the cold passion of the committed ideologue.”
And from Vladimir Beregovoy, scientist and laika breeder: “Their actual goal is not animals. It is people. They want to change people, and the world.”
Finally, a libertarian defence of the economics of hunting vs. that of AR groups: who helps animals more? Thanks to Julia Holder and Steve Kaeppler.