
We have been missing in action for a week– cooking, cooking, eating, eating, and (though I rather hate its use as a verb) “partying”.

To quote from a letter I sent to the Alpha Enviro:

“We have spent most of the week cooking for the two day end- of- the- season hunt and party of the Juan Tomas Hounds, a local group who hunt after coyotes in full British regalia.

“Didn’t leave us much time for anything else, though I enjoyed it thoroughly (the Master of Fox Hounds, Jim Nance, and his wife Beth, as well as their sons, are friends and our kind of folks). Son James, among other things — he too is an MFH, Kipling fan, student of The Great Game– likes to announce that “Steve and I are the only two people in Soccoro County who have been published in the Atlantic! ” (Poetry, in his case). They are all ranchers and readers, and environmentally and scientifically literate”.

Cooking what? In a comment to Tam, in response to her sardonic take on the witless vegan celebration “Meatout”, I said:

“Among other things we cooked feijoada– black beans cooked with pounds of beef, fatback, and pigs’ feet; two full- sized briskets cooked with garlic and chile until they could be shredded for burritos; eight chickens ditto; a green chile sauce made with stock from the above; and who knows how many sausages. Good desserts too. Our friends loved it but it was a vegan’s version of hell– fifty two mounted hunters, fifty hounds, and lots of MEAT!”

Will post some pics of hounds and such when I catch up with other things, and maybe send a recipe or two to Three Martini Lunch.

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