Larissa at Burning Man

Larissa (the tall original human one, not the swift red one) dances at Burning Man. I mean, she is not just a– did I say TALL, drop- dead gorgeous, Russian American goddess, classical actress, a writer of books, and arts critic, she is a PERFORMER. My friend Anne, another St John’s graduate (Johnnie), as are …

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Shiri & our hounds

Shiri, who usually supplies action photos of the kids, visits, and snaps us. And I her… Flying Tav, Taik, Lash, yours truly, a bemused Shiri…

Burton Apache: ?- Sept 2012

Sadly, I have not just this one but several elegies due for lost friends recently, some of whom I knew better than Burt, some still to write. But his death this week hit me strangely hard, perhaps because he was more than ten years younger than me. Burton was a member of the Alamo, our …

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… but extremely pleasant opening day, on Pieter Ditmars’ Dunhill sheep ranch south of town. We saw one dove. Pete shot it. SB with Model 12 20, PD with old Orvis AyA sidelock. The food and company beat the shooting.