Drinkable…. MAUSER?

When I got to the last wrapping of an anonymous package last week, the outline of my last unfulfilled firearm desideratum appeared: the unmistakable profile of a ’96 Mauser “Broomhandle”. Could some anonymous admirer have sent me (illegally, but I wasn’t worried– it had passed inspection)  the gun used by Winston Churchill in the “River War”, the sidearm of T. E. Lawrence, of  Karamojo Bell (he shot down a German plane with one in the Great War);  of ornithologist Salim Ali, and of two fictional heroes: Geofffrey Household’s Charles Dennim (in Watcher in the shadows),  and Michael Gruber’s Jane Doe  (in Tropic of Night)?

It was a bottle of Vodka!

Sent by the ever- stylish adventurer and firearms scholar Bruce Douglas, here seen with liquid AND steel broomhandles.


  1. I don't know what the vodka costs but a pristine 96 Ron is selling is priced over $2000, and a dangerously flawed one I had was %700. That MAY have something to do with it…

  2. I wondered what secret thing Bruce wanted to send you that required a street address for Fed-Ex.

    Dave's comment was hilarious.

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